Helpful Lifting Tips
Follow these tips to correct your form!
Follow these tips to correct your form!
Strong Upper Body Workout. Perform Each exercise for 4 sets do 12-15 reps.
Back and Bicep Workout 4 sets 12-15 reps Lat Press downs Bicep Curls Face Pulls High Cable Rows Supine Grip Lat Pull Dwons
Do each exercise 4 sets for 12-15 reps.
4 exercise for a developed back High Cable Rows LatPulldowns Supine Grip LatPulldowns Facepulls
Sumo squats 4 sets 12 reps Reverse lunges 3 sets 12 reps Calf raises 3 sets 20 reps Plat squats 3 sets 15 reps Kettle bell swings 3 sets 45 seconds
Strong Legs workout